Sunday 5 April 2020

COVID-19 (nCoV)

COVID-19 OR (nCoV)

Confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Boca Raton increases, now 10th in ...

COVID-19 has become a headache for all over the World. The total number COVID-19 cases are increasing day by day Worldwide and so many people have lost their lives.

Now I am going to discuss what is COVID-19 all about. Corona Virus is an infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome. Symptoms are common cold, dry cough, fever, loss of smell, headache, nausea or vomiting, joint pain, fatigue, shortness of breath etc. The virus mainly spread through touch. When anyone COVID-19 positive sneezes or coughs the droplets can infect others. The most important is this can spread rapidly. WHO declares Corona Virus Pandemic.

This is very essential to keep our immune system strong always.
Give your immune system a boost to fight against corona virus. As COVID-19 has impacted all over the World, we all are thinking how to stay healthy. Nutrition and lifestyle modification two major things can make our immune system strong. A high protein, low fat diet can boost our immune system.

A sample diet to boost immunity:

Early Morning: Lukewarm or hot water (also can add a pinch of fresh turmeric powder)

Breakfast: A high protein and complex carbohydrate meal like Oats Kichdi (can add two types of dal- Masoor/Red lentil and Mung dal/yellow lentil) Or, 
Multigrain bread and whole egg Or,
Muesli and milk

Have 1 multivitamin tablet after breakfast.

Mid morning: Black tea (can add honey)

Lunch: Have fruit salads 1 hour before lunch
             Rice, Mixed boiled vegetables and Lentils(any type of dal)
             Can add fish or chicken/ soybean or mushroom

Afternoon: Tea/ Coffee

Evening: A bowl of sprouts or mixed dry fruits

Dinner:  Rice/Chapathi with vegetables and egg poach or Paneer

Have lukewarm or hot water for 3-4 times and hot tea and coffee for 3 times. It is being said the COVID-19 virus produces thick mucus in the throat and if we constantly take hot water or tea and coffee the virus can not produce the mucus and neutralize it.

Evercise: 30 minutes exercise also boost our immune system.
Take sufficient fluid .

Few precautions need to be taken:

·      Wash hands with soap frequently.

Why COVID-19 can't beat a good hand-washing | Popular Science

·      Avoid social gathering.

How to Survive a Party or Social Gathering as an Introvert

 ·   Maintain social distance whenever you are going out for any specific and important reason.


   Wash whatever packets you are buying.
About COVID-19 - Information & Resources 

Stay at home.

Stay healthy and fit.

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